
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

New Poetry Collection

New Poetry Collection

"Eg skrivi á vátt pappír" is the second poetry collection by Lív Maria Róadóttir Jæger. According to a review by Silja Aldudóttir in the literary periodical Varðin, the poems are sharp, tender, sincere and innovative in their style. Lív Maria Róadóttir Jæger is a unique poet and her writing is not like anybody else's. Whilst her previous collection "Hvít sól" deals with concepts and their intrinsic meaning, the perspective in this new collection is more personal and bright yellow like the front page, with focus on experiences, thoughts and memories of the first person. The collection has eight chapters with different themes, and in each new chapter a new form and style is presented. "Eg skrivi á vátt pappír" is published by Forlagið Eksil.

New in German

New in German

New Poetry Collection

New Poetry Collection