Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 April and 1 October

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New Autobiographical Book

New Autobiographical Book

"Av Matterhorn í Leirvíkstún" (From Matterhorn to Leirvíkstún) is the name of a new autobiographical book by Monika Stauss Joensen which was published 28 November. The book is a mixture of the author's memoirs, private photos and recipes of various kinds.

What are the challenges when you move from Switzerland to the Faroe Islands, how do you learn the language and which values and traditions from your home country do you keep and pass on to your children whilst making an effort to become a part of the country that you have moved to? These are some of the interesting and moving reflections that are described in the book. The reader gets glimpses of Monika's childhood memories and also gets to travel with her and meet people on her journeys as a musician, both home and abroad. The book is published by BFL.

Loynigentan - New YA Novel

Loynigentan - New YA Novel

Advent Calendar

Advent Calendar