Name: Niclas Heri Jákupsson
Born: 1968, Klaksvík
Selected work: Karlo og Luddi

Niclas Heri Jákupsson has studied business and is a trained life coach and has been running his own company since 2009. Jákupsson has composed dozens of songs and is also the man behind the concept of Trølla Pætur (Troll Peter), a beloved children's character throughout the Faroes. His book Karlo and Luddi is his first children's book and was published in 2014. An English version is available as eBook.

Puffins Karlo and Luddi are twins. Every autumn Karlo flies off to warmer countries with all the other migratory birds. Luddi stays behind, because he is too scared to fly or swim. But fear of flying is no good for a puffin; Luddi realises this one Spring when all the migratory birds return with out twinbroter Karlo. Conquering his fear of flying he sets off in a homemade dirigible, crossing the oceans to find his brother.

2014 Karlo og Luddi

2015 Luddi und Karlo, translated into German by Volker Thurner, Lehmanns