Oddfríður Marni Rasmussen
Name: Oddfríður Marni Rasmussen
Born: 1969, Sandur
Selected work: Upp eftir enda
Awards and recognition: Oddfríður has been awarded the Faroese M.A. Jacobsen’s Award twice; for fiction in 2000 for his poetry collection “Rás sár” and for culture in 2009 for his work as one of the editors of the literary periodical “Vencil”. In 2018 Oddfríður won the Faroese Book Shop Association’s novel competiton for his novel “Ikki fyrr enn tá”, and in 2020 it was nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize.
Bio: Oddfríður Marni Rasmussen is a primary school teacher. He has authored 20 poetry collections, of which the first was published in 1994. Between 1998 and 2000, he attended "Forfatterskolen", a Writers’ Academy in Copenhagen. Oddfríður Marni Rasmussen is also one of two editors of the contemporary literary periodical "Vencil". When he won the novel competition for his novel “Ikki fyrr enn tá” (Not until then") the Committée’s motivation was: "With this new novel Faroese literature welcomes a new voice. It is a convincing novel written by a convincing author about an important subject which needs to be expressed". The story is about losing a spouse to brain cancer, and it's the story of the one left behind which is so skillfully described. The story is exceptionally moving, shocking, sad, honest, realistic, optimistic and relevant. “Ikki fyrr enn tá” was published 22 February 2019 by Sprotin.
2023 Upp eftir enda, Short stories, Sprotin
2019 Úrvalssavn, Poetry Anthology, Sprotin
2019 Ikki fyrr enn tá, novel, Sprotin
2017 Og, poetry collection, Sprotin
2016 Úrtíð, poetry collection, Sprotin
2016 Gandakendu Føroyar, Images and Words, Sprotin
2015 Av heilum hjarta, haiku poems, Sprotin
2014 Oktoberbløð í fallandi sól, poetry collection, Sprotin
2013 Eg eri næstur, poetry collection, Sprotin
2011 Blómugrót, poetry collection, Sprotin
2008 Innantanna Anna og túsundbeinið Súni, children’s book, BFL
2008 Lívrám, poetry collection, Sprotin
2005 Plástrið, poetry collection, MS
2003 Inn og út um gluggan / Inside - outside, Anthology, Listaskálin á Akureyri
2003 Gráir týdningar, poetry collection, MS
2002 Kvørkingar, poetry collection, MS
2001 Tað føroyska ljósið / Det færøske lys / The Faroese Light, Forlaget Rhodos
2000 Er det alvorligt doktor? Anthology, Forlaget Basilisk
2000 Rás sár, poetry collection, MS
1998 Skil, poetry collection, Fannir
1995 Innantannaskríggj, poetry collection, Egið forlag
1994 Aldur hugans, poetry collection, Fannir
2023 Addig nem, Polar Könyvek, Hungary
2021 Ikkje før da, Orkana Forlag, Norway
2020 Først når…, Forlaget Torgard, Denmark