
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

New Children's Book by Bárður Oskarsson

New Children's Book by Bárður Oskarsson

"Træið" (The Tree) is the title of Bárður Oskarsson's new children's book published by BFL. The story is about Bob who is intrigued by what might be on the other side of the tree. Only once has he been by the tree to look but didn't dare go further. Bob has a friend called Hilbert who claims that he's been on the other side of the tree several times. He even says that he's travelled the world, flying with his own wings. Bob is not quite sure what to believe...

New Chilren's Book

New Chilren's Book

"Tema við slankum" in Norwegian

"Tema við slankum" in Norwegian