
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

Second novel in the crime series by Steintór Rasmussen

Second novel in the crime series by Steintór Rasmussen

"Hevndin úr havsins dýpi" (Vengeance from the Sea) is the second novel in the crime series by Steintór Rasmussen in which a knitting club in the Faroe Islands serves as the context and cultural constallation for the plot. Steintór Rasmussen made his debut last year with the first crime novel "Deyðin fer í bindiklubb" and he is well into writing the third crime novel in the same series. In this second novel, six of the women in the knitting club have rented a summer cottage in a small town for the week-end. The news about the discovery of a rubber boot of a missing fisherman travels fast and reach the women and this is just the first in a sequel of several mysterious incidents taking place the same night. The crime novel is published by Sprotin.

New Release in Denmark of Sissal Kampmann

New Release in Denmark of Sissal Kampmann

New Chilren's Book

New Chilren's Book