
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

New Children's Book

New Children's Book

Jenny Kjærbo is an illustrator and author of children's books and has previously published the two sweet stories about puffins "Áh Óh" (2015) and "Áh Óh - máni"(2018) and now she has written and illustrated a book about a little crow "Lítla kráka samlar". Crows are know for gathering stuff and bring it to their nests. But this little crow fellow cannot restrain itself, and all of a sudden there is no room left in the nest for all the friends. The book is published by BFL.

A Warm Congratulation to Translator Lars Moa

A Warm Congratulation to Translator Lars Moa

New YA Novel

New YA Novel