
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

New essay and poetry collection

New essay and poetry collection

Last week Vónbjørt Vang released two new books: “Svørt orkidé” and “Úr loggbókunum. 17 innlit í rithøvundaverkstaðið”.

“Svørt orkidé” (en. Black Orchid) is a poetry collection and photo book with collages by the author. In lyrical glimpses, essayistic parts, collages, poems, flashbacks, diary excerpts with references and quotes from the history of literature a mother describes her experience with a having son, who is struggling.

She attempts to use her writing to hold the grief and helpnesness from being a mother to a child, that is stumbling in life. She tries to find the words to describe the grief, shame, struggle and weakness from being a mother, but not being able to help.

A part of the book is collages, consisting of cut-outs from destroyed library books. It is a way to think and feel on paper, but also through and with paper.

“Úr loggbókunum. 17 innlit í rithøvundaverkstaðið” (en. From the logs. 17 insights in the author’s workshop) is an essay on writing. It is an open and honest insight in an author’s journey of writing, while she takes her first fumbling steps until she finally figures out what she wants to write. The book can be read as an independent essay, but it also works as a companion to “Svørt orkidé.”

Vónbjørt Vang (1974) is an author, poet and librarian. She has studied comparative literature and holds a BA in creative writing. These books are her third and fourth publications. Both books are published by EKSIL.

New Crime Novel

New Crime Novel

New Crime Novel

New Crime Novel