
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

New in Norway

New in Norway

"Ikki fyrr enn tá" - the award winning novel by Oddfríður Marni Rasmussen - has just been published in Norway by Orkana Forlag with the title "Ikkje før da". The novel won first prize in a novel competition in 2018 and was published by Sprotin in 2019, and the following year it was the Faroese nominee for the Nordic Council Literature Prize. "Ikki fyrr enn tá" has been published in Denmark and rights have been sold to Hungary. "Ikkje før da" is a moving, sad, honest and yet optimistic story about a man losing his spouse to brain cancer. Lars Moa has translated the novel from Faroese to Norwegian.

Here is a link to a short film about the novel and the author:

New Poetry Collection

New Poetry Collection

New in Macedonia

New in Macedonia