New picture book — FarLit


Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

The next application deadline for translation grants is 1 June

New picture book

New picture book

Sólrún Michelsen has written a new picture book for children called Sjókæti A-OY with captivating papercut illustrations by Annika Øyrabø. The title is a pun on the Faroese word sjógæti (en. seafood), made up of the components sjó- (en. sea) and -kæti (en. cheerfulness). Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags published the book.

The book is made up of catchy rhyming poems about colourful and curious characters beneath the surface. It is structured as an aquatic journey through the Faroese alphabet, where fish beginning with A are first introduced, then sea creatures beginning with Á, B and so on. This makes the attention-grabbing picture book a helpful tool for learning both the Faroese alphabet and the marine life in Faroese waters, while at the same time being an enjoyable and cheerful read.

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Come and say 'Ciao!' in Bologna