For translators

 Do you translate from Faroese to another language?

Grants are available for translations from Faroese into another language. Grants are only available for translation of a work formerly published by a Faroese publisher.

The application must come from a translator. The committee will only accept the application if the translator has a contract with the two publishers involved (original and foreign). In its evaluation, the committee will prioritise contemporary works and translations that are made directly from Faroese.

The grant is payed when the book has been published. The following should be printed in the colophon of the book: published with a grant from FarLit.

Sample translation grant
Translators may apply for a grant of DKK 3000 for a sample translation (of at least 8 pages of a chosen work) without any contract.

Application deadlines: 1 February, 1 June & 1 October