
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

New non-fiction about women who died in childbirth

New non-fiction about women who died in childbirth

“Tær góvu lív” (En: they gave life) is a new non-fiction book about women who died in childbirth by Rigmor Restorff Dam.

She died in childbirth. These few words were in many cases the only legacy of the women who died in childbirth. Their fates have historically been enclosed with silence and trauma.

The book explores women's history in the Faroe Islands, focusing on the complexity of death during childbirth throughout history in terms of health, social, and mental aspects.

“Tær góvu lív” is published by Sprotin.

Luddi and Lundisa in France

Luddi and Lundisa in France

New in Estonia

New in Estonia