
Application deadlines for translation grants are 1 February, 1 June and 1 October

New crime novel translation

New crime novel translation

CasaGretto has published an Icelandic translation of the 2007 crime novel Adventus Domini by renowned crime writer Jógvan Isaksen. Isaksen recently won the 2024 Petrona Award for Best Scandinavian Crime Novel for Dead Men Dancing, the English translation of Deydningar dansa á sandi. Like Dead Men Dancing, the new translation available in Icelandic follows the journalist and investigator Hannis Martinsson.

Adventus Domini is a bloody tale of Martinsson’s deep investigation into strange incidents occuring after the arrival of a member of the Order of Malta. Evidence in the investigation takes him far back in time to historical events both abroad and in the Faroe Islands.

Hallfríður María Pálsdóttir has translated the book into Icelandic.

Season's greetings from FarLit!

Season's greetings from FarLit!

Strikurnar in Sinhala

Strikurnar in Sinhala